Calcium Carbonate pool drained


Active member
Apr 9, 2019
Hi all,
My pb is going to be draining my pool for a beam repair. I have calcium carbonate scaling on the plaster. Was thinking of doing an acid wash to get rid of it but that seems rather involved. Any suggestions on what to do while it's drained?
I've been tearing through pumice stones with water in the pool
Hmm well cool.. Maybe a spray bottle of acid and that pumice stone, then. A hose to water it down when done. I think those are the only two methods that work. I do know adding a little salt to the acid works as a catalyst. I accidentally discovered that dry acid and salt 50/50 removes deposits on sinks and plumbing better than anything sold for that purpose. Good luck. Elbow grease seems like one of better methods. A lot of people in AZ have really bad problems with scaling and I am worried about it already before the pool is built. I decided no rocks/boulders at the water line already based on all the other pools that I have seen here. Good luck.
You should consider asking the PB to do a zero alkalinity treatment BEFORE dumping the water. In a zero alkalinity treatment, enough acid is added to the pool to drop the TA to zero (so a pH <4.5). The water is then held at zero alkalinity for 24-36 hours until the scaling is gone. Then, usually, sodium bicarbonate is added to restore the TA and pH. In your case, the water could just be dumped. You must ensure there are no metal components in the pool and that any heater is bypassed or removed during the process.
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