broken center pipe on lateral assembly


Apr 25, 2015
Danville, IL
I was just changing the sand on my Hayward S166T sand filter and as I was removing the sand around the assembly my hand hit the center pipe and it broke off right where it goes into the center section. Are those center pipes glued in or threaded? I can't tell by looking. Everything else about the assembly is fine -- laterals and all. I hate to buy the whole assembly but I don't see that the center pipes are sold separately. Anybody know if they are and if so who carries them or am I stuck buying an entire assembly?
The standpipe is glued into the hub assembly. We have seen some pool owners make a clean cut on the pipe, add a cuff, and reglue the pipe. The height of the entire assembly would have to match the original. From the very top of the pipe to the bottom of the hub assembly is 18". The other option is to replace the entire assembly. The part number would be SX164DA.
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