Best Chlorination Method

Nov 30, 2015
Iota, LA
I know that this topic has been discussed multiple times. I understand the different types/methods of chlorinating my pool. However, I am really struggling with the best method to use to chlorinate my pool.

I have a 27' x 52" round above ground pool with a cartridge filter. I have been using bleach. I use liquid 10.5% chlorine when i can find it. I live a an area where, for whatever reason, I often cannot find liquid chlorine. My water chemistry is good. Everything is at ideal levels. The water looks great.

While I have been doing well with bleach and/or liquid chlorine, I find that I have to use so much of it. I hate the thought of throwing away so many 1 gallon jugs. I am in a very rural area. We don't have a recycling program and I am unable to find a pool place here that will sell liquid chlorine in bulk or refill containers. Additionally, liquid chlorine just doesn't seem to stay in the water as long as other methods and requires me to add it every couple of days.

I understand that Trichlor tablets contain CYA and will raise those levels in the pool. My current CYA level is 40. But man, are they convenient until your CYA gets too high. If it weren't for that, I would use this method. I have an inline chlorinator that will hold 10 3" tablets at a time. I used it for a little while last summer while monitoring my CYA. Then stopped and switched back to liquid when it got above 60.

I keep going back and forth about getting a SWG. With my pool being above ground with so many metal components, I am worried about corrosion from the salt. I have heard lots of arguments on both sides as to whether or not salt water takes a toll on metal above ground pools. So I have been very undecided on whether or not to go this route.

Given my situation, what are your recommendations for chlorinating my pool?


FC: 6
CC: 0
CYA: 40
pH: 7.6
TA: 100
CA: don't measure b/c irrelevant for vinyl pool
What is the cost of your water? I see you are on a well. Is that water good water as far as no metals or such? If you think your well is good and your power rate for running the pump is not sky high you can use the pucks with the knowledge you will have to drain some water every once in a while to keep the CYA under control. That is what TFP is all about. Knowing what does what to your water so you can make informed chooses

I hear you on the jugs. IF I were not able to get my liquid chlorine right up the road I would have to think about using pucks for the same reasons you mention.

I personally use a Stenner pump to dose my bleach, and have found a chemical supply company that has 12.5% bleach that I buy 55 gallons of at a time (Once per year). That way I come home with 1 container (Black Plastic 55 gallon drum). I buried the 1st drum in the ground to protect it from the sun, and the Alabama heat. (I siphon into it as I get other barrels). I also went online, and found a cheap pump that screws into the fine threaded hole in the top of the drum, and is rated for corrosive chemicals, in case I or the wife should need bleach for other purposes.

You could do the same thing, and if you don't want to go to the expense of a Stenner, just pump the bleach out as it is needed for your uses.

If you can't find a chemical supply house to purchase the bleach from, call any company that does commercial pressure washing, and ask them where they get their bleach from... it is how I found my local supply house. I have to go 60 miles to get it, but I only have to do it once per year. :)
Why don't you measure your CH? If it's low, and your refill water is soft, you could use Cal-hypo to chlorinate. Haul one bucket home instead of dozens of jugs. Plug in the strength and let poolmath crunch the numbers, same as it does for bleach.

And you are mistaken: CH is not "irrelevant for vinyl pool" Low CH is irrelevant. High CH can still contribute to scaling. Do you really want 60 grit sandpaper all over your pool walls?
Thank you all for the feedback. This is all good info. And, Richard320, you are right. I must have been misinformed on the CA. I haven't seen any scaling yet, but I will certainly test for CA to see where I am, especially if I decide to go the Cal-hypo route.

Thanks again!
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