Beginner. Cloudy Pool. Here are my numbers.


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Osceola, IN
Liquid Chlorine
Values obtained with Taylor K2006C with FAS-DPD.

CYA: not detectable

pH: 7.0

Free Cl: 0.4

Combined Cl: 0.2

Total alkalinity: 140

Calcium hardness: 180

Obviously chlorine is the issue, along with pH. However, CYA is low as well. Maybe that’s why I’ve been chewing through chlorine.

So, what’s next? Shock and add CYA? Thanks!
Add 30ppm of CYA to the pool, use the sock method. Add 3ppm of liquid chlorine now. After 1/2 hour soak, you can squeeze it a bunch and it will dissolve.

Then follow this...Link-->FC/CYA Levels

Leave the pH alone, it will rise on its own. When pH is in the 7s, there is no need to raise pH.
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