balanced cloudy water

Jun 8, 2015
I usually SLAM, balance, floc and boom. This year I made a rookie move after listening to the pool boy and spread CYA around instead of putting it into the skimmer. Now my pool is cloudy. Chemistry is balanced except CYA is low 15...Im still treating. They told me it takes up to a week for levels to rise and to wait before I retreat. I tried a clarifier but water is still cloudy..any suggestions?
These are my readings from this morning. just rechecked FC and it was 3...Im adding CYA thur a sock in the skimmer. I added clarifier this morning, still cloudy, not sure what to do next! Pool store doesn't have any answers! Please help!

FC 5
Alk 100
PH 7.5
Calcium 280
CYA 10
Thanks so much!! I couldn't do a Chlorine loss test because I'm out of solution. I will have to order because leslie doesn't carry it. So I just hit it with chlorine 3 nights straight keeping my chlorine levels above 10 vacuuming daily and its looking good!!
My second issue is I lose so much water when vacuuming to waste..I dont have a backwash option on my filter. if there is only small amounts of visible dead algae in the center of the pool can I rely on the filter to capture it?
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