Balance and algae


Gold Supporter
May 19, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Constant algae issues. Had pool drained and cleaned last October…the algae is still back. Made mistake of relying on my pool company to keep my pool balanced. Just ordered TF 100 tester. Confused about liquid chlorine, I use tabs along with chlorine powder 2-3 times per week. What chart do I use? Liquid or SWC?


Welcome to TFP! :wave: Stick with liquid and use the liquid chart as seen below.

Welcome to the forum!
Great decision on getting a proper test kit! When you get it, post up a complete set of test results.
In the interim, add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
At some point down the road consider getting an SWG to break free from gallons of chlorine. In the meantime, use liquid to maintain the proper FC level. Feel free to post a full set of test results when you get your TF-100 and we'll be happy to look them over for you.
Thank you all for the fast feedback. Really new to liquid chlorine. I’ll use pool math app to figure it out but any suggested reading would be great. Thank you!
Used 1/3 bottle of algaecide and scrubbed pool today. Filter on 24 h for next 48 hours
Please do not use any more algaecide. It does little for visible algae and usually contains copper and other heavy metals that can stain your pool.

Until your real test kit gets here, just add 5ppm of FC using liquid chlorine (1/2 gallon for your pool) daily.

I would also read up in pool school, including draining or exchanging water in case your CYA is too high from extensive use of chlorine pucks.
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Please do not use any more algaecide. It does little for visible algae and usually contains copper and other heavy metals that can stain your pool.

Until your real test kit gets here, just add 5ppm of FC using liquid chlorine (1/2 gallon for your pool) daily.

I would also read up in pool school, including draining or exchanging water in case your CYA is too high from extensive use of chlorine pucks.
Drained and had pool cleaned last October

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TF- Pro testing - 1st time

Test Results 05-27-2024 @ 10:30 AM
Free Chlorine: 9.5
pH: 7.5
Total Alkalinity: 160
Calcium Hardness: 500
CYA: 70
Temperature: 82°F
CSI: 0.37

Maintenance 05-25-2024 @ 03:45 PM
Replaced Filters, Brushed

-Las Vegas, NV USA
-Pentair Clean and Clear Plus Filter
-Pentair IntelliFlo VSF Pump
-Dolphin Proteus DX5i Robot cleaner
I’ve searched all the articles I can find, but can’t find anything on how to start using liquid chlorine. Like, How much per 1000 gal raises my chlorine level to the recommended level?
This article really doesn’t help much: How to Chlorinate Your Pool

Just a summary of different types of chlorine like this one
Download Pool Math Link-->PoolMath. Configure your pool. Enter test results.

Then either click on FC from the overview and enter your target..
Or, us "effects of adding" in the menu.

It will show you how much to add to get an expected result.
