Bad for pools

Jun 11, 2013
Pool owner for several years and I am amazed at all the bad products offered and sold that are terrible for pools.

Problem is you learn the hard way too. Products that contain phosphates and products to remove them.

Algicides that contain metals and products to control metals.

Products with sulfates and problems that sulfates create.

I don't understand why the industry is set this way. The problem with all of this is there is no help in local pool stores and or pool installers. You spend your hard earned money and time on a beautiful pool and then tear it apart with products that destroy it. I don't understand and continue to learn.
My question is this, "How are they allowed to continue operating?" Ever hear of a pool $tore getting sued? If your car guy doesn't fix your car, you eventually have the Lemon Law. What do you have when the pool $tore fails?
Pretty frustrating and makes you like to start all over again. This spring I called my local pool store that's sells to all the locals and asked if they had any Taylor K2006 kits and they responded "Never heard of it". ?
Every time I'm in Leslie's and I see someone having their water tested and the employees pointing out what products to buy to combat this or that it kinda makes me feel bad for the pool
owner because they generally look confused...
Its like any other business... they offer their products and its up to the consumer to understand whats best for them. Is your local grocery store that much different than the pool store? Half the products in the grocery store are known to not be 'good' for you but we buy them anyway. I'm the worst offender... I'll obsess and go out of my way to sanitize my pool in the 'healthiest' possible way for the pool, while munching on a hotdog, chips and drinking a soda!
I'm in the process of getting my pool built. Dig was yesterday. Thanks to this forum, my goal is to never set foot in a pool supply store. It seems completely possible.

Depending where you live and what stores are around you, might have to get muratic acid and CYA from a pool store. Probably not, but just saying.

What I want to know is why has no one tried to start up a TFPC style pool store? While they wouldn't be making boat loads of money by screwing over pool owners, I image the reputation they'd get from their customers perfectly clear pools would speak for itself. Take your sample in (no immediate cost of buying your own kit) and they test your water with a TF-100, and then tell you what to do to properly balance your pool. Admittedly, people with pools that are properly balanced and maintained wouldn't benefit from this, but image how many less horror stories you'd hear on here about people getting screwed over because with this store, the employees told the customers what to really do to keep their pool clean and clear.

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