AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App

Just a heads up that when switching over it may duplicate your entities- it did for mine. I just deleted the original "aqualogic" entities manually since they were no longer being provided and renamed the new "AQL_PS_8" entities to remove the "_2" from the end of their IDs.
That is very interesting because on my VM (Linux), the entity names remained the same. There seems to be a lot of variability depending on the platform.
Just a heads up that when switching over it may duplicate your entities- it did for mine. I just deleted the original "aqualogic" entities manually since they were no longer being provided and renamed the new "AQL_PS_8" entities to remove the "_2" from the end of their IDs.
It did that because I added code that gives the entities a unique_id. Previous code, the entities were not persistent (and you couldn't change them in the UI), so when you restarted it would add the entities. It should only happen once unless the domain changes again.

Another way to clean it up is to disable the integration and all the sensors and switches (just comment them out in your yaml), restart HA, delete all the aqualogic entities, uncomment the integration, switches and sensors in your yaml and then restart. They'll get recreated and you should be good to go.
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The last time I deleted all my AQL folders and files, I had to do it manually. Some folders had sub folders upon sub folders and it took me a long time to delete everthing. I wish I knew a way to delete an app with all of its sub-folders with one click.
In File Editor, in the top menu, choose the folder icon. Find the folder you want to delete, choose three vertical dots and then delete.

You can also load the Samba add-on and then mount the HA as a physical drive which you can then browse and delete at will.

Home Assistant Add-on: Samba share​


Follow these steps to get the add-on installed on your system:

  1. Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Settings -> Add-ons -> Add-on store.
  2. Find the "Samba share" add-on and click it.
  3. Click on the "INSTALL" button.

How to use​

  1. In the configuration section, set a username and password. You can specify any username and password; these are not related in any way to the login credentials you use to log in to Home Assistant or to log in to the computer with which you will use Samba share.
  2. Save the configuration.
  3. Start the add-on.
  4. Check the add-on log output to see the result.


If you are on Windows you use \\<IP_ADDRESS>\, if you are on MacOS you use smb://<IP_ADDRESS> to connect to the shares.

This addon exposes the following directories over smb (samba):

addonsThis is for your local add-ons.
addon_configsThis is for the configuration files of your add-ons.
backupThis is for your backups.
configThis is for your Home Assistant configuration.
mediaThis is for local media files.
shareThis is for your data that is shared between add-ons and Home Assistant.
sslThis is for your SSL certificates.


Add-on configuration:

workgroup: WORKGROUP
username: homeassistant
- fe80::/10
- fc00::/7
- "._*"
- ".DS_Store"
- Thumbs.db
compatibility_mode: false

Option: workgroup (required)​

Change WORKGROUP to reflect your network needs.

Option: username (required)​

The username you would like to use to authenticate with the Samba server.

Option: password (required)​

The password that goes with the username configured for authentication.

Option: allow_hosts (required)​

List of hosts/networks allowed to access the shared folders.

Option: veto_files (optional)​

List of files that are neither visible nor accessible. Useful to stop clients from littering the share with temporary hidden files (e.g., macOS .DS_Store or Windows Thumbs.db files)

Option: compatibility_mode​

Setting this option to true will enable old legacy Samba protocols on the Samba add-on. This might solve issues with some clients that cannot handle the newer protocols, however, it lowers security. Only use this when you absolutely need it and understand the possible consequences.

Defaults to false.


Got questions?

You have several options to get them answered:

In case you've found a bug, please open an issue on our GitHub.
I really want to put the AQL on HA. Removing previous folders is time consuming.
I like this Samba idea and I will spend the next few days trying to understand it and getting everything set up.
When it comes to adding folders and files to home assistant using Samba, can I download directly from Github into the HA dierctory files?
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Have you ever mapped a network drive before?

For windows use: \\<IP_ADDRESS>\config

For macos use: smb://<IP_ADDRESS>/config

But only do this AFTER samba is setup.
This appears to be working great! Thank you so much! Fingers crossed the socket connection remains working through the day 🤞
Wanted to follow up and say this has been working flawlessly without any disconnects for about a week and a half now- I'm very happy with it!

The only minor issue I have is the display mirror shows some things incorrectly which makes adjusting schedules and temperatures difficult- Fairly sure this has something to do with the latin-1 change above but not sure on how to fix it, since I had to do that to get the rest of the integration to work. Again not a huge deal though, as its not something I'll touch often and can just walk over to the panel for but thought I'd ask1717218471300.png1717218477803.png
Try using this statement in and see if it works:

text = frame.replace(b'\xdf', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('utf-8'), errors='ignore')

line #304 in my version.
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This works as well:

text = frame.replace(b'\xba', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('utf-8')

I think the wrong byte code was used in the original file.
This works as well:

text = frame.replace(b'\xba', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('utf-8')

I think the wrong byte code was used in the original file.
When I try that I get this error:

File "/config/custom_components/aqualogic_p4p8/", line 308, in process
text = frame.replace(b'\xba', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xdf in position 15: invalid continuation byte

If I remove the replace I get this error, so I'm guessing that's why someone put the replace in there:

File "/config/custom_components/aqualogic_p4p8/", line 308, in process
text = frame.decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xdf in position 15: invalid continuation byte

Putting the original code back in works for me. I wonder what the difference is between our HA installs.
It probably depends on the controller. IF statement might help. Or just replace both.
In the HA thread there was someone (amit1) with a P4 that got the "'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xba" error, so I'm not sure what it is.
Replacing both does work on my side. Can you check your side?

text = frame.replace(b'\xdf', b'\xc2\xb0').replace(b'\xba', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('utf-8')

I believe b'\xc2\xb0' is the degree symbol.

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