Algae treated and water still not crystal clear

Sep 18, 2016
Lebanon, VA
I was sick when the pool was opened by people I hire. They shocked the pool and nothing more as is usual. I usually begin bringing the pool in balance and have had great success since 2016 when we installed the pool. This time I was sick. Before I was well enough to balance, I had algae growing up the sides in places, stairs and bottom. I have attempted the slam process and today when I tested the water with the Taylor pool kit, I had the following results:
FC - 2
TC - 1
CC - 1
Ph - 7.6
CH - 300
ALK - 80
CYA - 30
Salt - 3150 (although it was reading low by about 250 ppm at close of season last year. Needs calibration I think.)

I thought all this was going in the right direction but the water is not the beautiful crystal clear. Does it just need more time with the filters? I understand (I think) the CYA needs to be brought up to about 70-80. From my feeble understanding I think that's one of the last things to work on? I did just come in from adding 1/2 gal. pool chlorine and about 6 oz. CYA.

And with the above numbers is it safe to use the spa or to even swim?

Thank you!
when I started trying to do the SLAM process, the ph was at 7.0. The posted results were from adding 3 1/2 gals pool chlorine and nothing else. And today I added some CYA. So do I start over and get the ph back down or continue adding just chlorine?
It seems I keep adding the liquid chlorine until FC tests at 12? I started the process with the required water balance and where FC was 0 it is now at 2. At this rate I'll need to add about another 10 gallons or at least until the FC gets to 12? My dad was the chemist in the family and I have no confidence in what I think I understand.
SLAM is not a one and done. You have to get your FC up to 12 and then keep it there. That means testing often.

You also mentioned that you added CYA. How much? Post another set of test results, just FC, pH, and CYA.

But at FC of 2 you are sliding backwards.
Tested FC at 3, CYA at 40 and PH at 7.6. Added more chlorine and will check again in the morning.

I also learned this evening others in the countryside are having troubles balancing their pools. We had a significant amount of rain last week (while I was sick). Undoubtedly added to the imbalance.
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Hey! Welcome back to TFP...I would take some time and read this link below. It will help you clear your pool.

Follow the instructions carefully, print them out if that will help you!

Thank you all for your input on the SLAM. It took a day to understand I needed to add multiple gallons in a relatively short period of time in order to get the FC up to the required level. But I got it there by Tuesday evening. The pool is crystal clear. Checked the FC, CYA and Ph Wednesday morning and this morning. The weather was upper 80's yesterday and very sunny. Last night the pool was reading 80 degrees. I expected FC to have dropped this morning but it went down just a point to around 13. I don't have the SWG on. The Ph is 8.2. Is it okay to add muriatic acid to lower the Ph? As FC drops does it affect the Ph? This morning the pool had the following levels:

TC - 13
FC - 13
CC - 0
Ph - 8.2
CYA - 50
Alk - 90
Cal H - 450
Salt - 3300

I'd like to bring the ph back down to around 7.6. Is that the next step?
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Rain addition is pretty minimal, if you think about it. Unless you get 6"+ of rain, you're adding a couple of inches to something that's at least 36" deep, if not more.

Over a whole season it can make a difference if you're pumping water off to keep it from overflowing, but one day won't really matter to your pool chemistry unless it's a crazy amount of rain or washing a bunch of sediment into your pool or something similar.
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