After a freeze


New member
Jul 11, 2020
im sure there are a few of us in Texas who survived the freeze and are getting pools back up. My testing chemicals where outside and below 20F for about a couple of days.
1. Are they still good for testing or do they need replacing?
2. in October my CYA was 60. when I test now I can still see the dot when the tube is full so CYA is really low. Where did the CYA go or do I need new chem.
Did your pool fill up with snow and ice? Did you need to drain some water? If so that's where much of your CYA went.

CYA also *very slowly* degrades but not fast enough to count on when you want it lowered. Otherwise it just leaves thru splash out or water exchange.

Maddie :flower:
Did your pool fill up with snow and ice? Did you need to drain some water? If so that's where much of your CYA went.

CYA also *very slowly* degrades but not fast enough to count on when you want it lowered. Otherwise it just leaves thru splash out or water exchange.

Maddie :flower:
Houston so no snow or ice. I have drained about 10% max from rain so must be the natural degradation. Thx maddie
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