Adding salt to a Non-SWG pool

Well this really torques me... Nowhere on the container of my chlorine tabs does the word "stabilized" appear, nor is cyanuric acid listed as an ingredient.
They technically do, though I see why it wasn't obvious. If it is the same bucket as shown online, it lists the ingredient as "trichloro-s-triazinetrione". One of the many names of CYA is "s-triazinetrione" The more identifiable name for the chlorinating compound would be "trichloroisocyanuric acid".

The important thing to remember is that all solid forms of chlorine contain something to solidify it. Calcium Hypochlorite shows what it has right in the name, as does the much rarer Lithium Hypochlorite. However, if you see a solid form that doesn't say calcium or lithium then it has CYA as part of the chemical compound. It won't show CYA, it is just a part of the molecule.
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