A question about keeping algae out of my pool.

Pam Jo

Silver Supporter
Apr 24, 2017
Southern Indiana
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
First off, this forum is great! My pool has been beautiful since joining this forum a number of years ago. A wealth of knowledge here.
Question: My daughter’s pool cleaner quit working last week and she has been borrowing ours until they can get their’s repaired or replaced.

I went to clean the filters (she forgot🙄) before putting it in my pool and saw the algae on the filters. I sprayed them clean and have them drying in the sun.
If I keep my chlorine on the high end (FC-5+), will that be enough to keep algae out of my pool.
I’m sure it’s not a good idea to share pool cleaners, but she’s my daughter. 🥴
Any advice would be appreciated!
Algae is always growing, so as long as you keep your pool in your proper ranges it should kill any algae in the pool cleaner in less than a minute if there was any left over.
Make sure you are managing FC at the correct levels according to your CYA/stabilizer level. If you do that, share away... and maybe even teach her about TFP so she doesnt get algae.
Thank you! Good to know!
Yes, I’ve been trying to share knowledge of TFP for years, but they don’t think they have time to do it themselves. They don’t realize how easy it is. Actually, easier than taking a sample in once a week!
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