8 Days into a slam

Aug 15, 2018
Hello All,
I am into my 8th day into the slam process and I have been keeping up with the recommended amount of FC of 12. It has been a bit cloudy lately here in Houston with a few sunny days and more scheduled rain this week. I did a full round of test and I would love some insight if there is anything else that I need to address at the moment during the slam.
FC 9.5- (which was raised back to 12)
CC 10.5
PH 7.2
TA 50
CH 50
CYA 30
Salt 3400
Pool temp was not checked, temps have been rather cold the first week with some days that dipped in the high 20's. It has warmed up to about low 70's this past weekend. I have the SWG off due to the cell needing replacement and ran LC in the pool with I bought our home and will continue to do so until I can get a new cell. I let the water turn green this winter and it was nasty. It is getting there the water is still cloudy and I have to vacuum and continue to brush more than I have been. I use the pool math app and I have been adding the recommended dose to keep the FC where it needs to be. I have back washed my sand filter once so far but I think I need another pressure gauge, since I installed it I have never seen it go above 10psi, it does drop down to 0, I picked it up at Loews and maybe its a cheap unreliable one.
How fast is the FC dropping from 12ppm?
It usually takes some hours for it to drop to about 9ppm. I have backed off from checking it as frequent as I did when I first started and check it as often as I can even going 5 hrs (my sleep period) it drops a bit and I would have to put in a quart or two to raise it back up. I think it was slower at the start due to no sun being out for about the 1st week of the slam and now it is eating up way more chlorine. I would say that When I first began my FC was at about 18ppm and I let it get to about 14, and now keep it at 12.
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