Chlorine Lock help


Jun 12, 2014
Hi I am new to this forum. I am having a problem and am tired of throwing away $$$ to the pool store.
My pool pump went out and it was 2 months before I could purchase another. My pool was thick with algae since I have it around many trees. I dipped leaves and then used gallons of bleach until it turned a milky green. I then added proteam shock and had to phosfloc. I let it settle and over the course of a week it became clearer letting it settle and vaccuming. It is now crystal clear but am told I am in a chlorine lock. I dont have an at home test kit other than test strips and will try to make a trip to walmart this afternoon.
My test results are from the pool store. ( I used this pool store because they are usually good as I dont have to dump many chemicals in my pool during the year. they are usually very conservative)
Total chlorine- 1.8
Free Chlorine- 0
ph- 8.4
total alkalinity-95
calcium hardness- 275
stabalizer 75
Shock treatment- 1.8
I have added 8 bags of proteam quick shock yesterday. I was told to add 4 test 4hours later then add again if needed. I got 2 rounds finished and it was overnight. tested again this am and there is no chlorine...Oh and I did add severest algae treatment which is copper based algaecide.
Please help!

Can I add just gallons of bleach instead of shocking?
Well.... I guess I'll give you the bad news.

"Chlorine Lock" is a term the pool stores uses to mean "We loaded you up so high on CYA that the amount of chlorine needed to be effective is mind-boggling." Your CYA (stabilizer) level is already 75, which is too high for a manually chlorinated pool. And guess what - that ProTeam Quick Shock is Dichlor, which has added even more CYA.

To fully address everything would take hours and hours of typing, and the answers are already in Pool School. What you need most is your own test kit - a proper one. You won't find anything at Walmart that can measure the chlorine levels you will need to completely eradicate the algae for once and for all and keep it away. That is the starting point. While you anxiously await the kit's arrival, read Pool School until you feel like this :crazy:

Start with some lighter reading, recent success stories!
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