7.2 ph

A pH of 7.2 by itself is not necessarily a big problem. To know for sure we'd need to know your CH and TA as well. Also tell us if the pH stays there consistently or drops lower.

The chlorine is a different issue. Either algae or not enough stabilizer (CYA).

Now would be a good time to simply post ALL your test numbers so we can put it all together. Let us know if the tests are from a TF-100 or Taylor K-2006 test kit.
Addressing the chlorine issue alone, those two numbers (CYA & FC) would indicate to me you may have algae situation. When you look at the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] you are way below the minimum requirement which makes your water open to algae. I would increase the FC right away to at least 5-7 tonight and perform an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to confirm.
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