Plumbing depth question

Aug 30, 2013
Currently working on an Owner/Builder pool in Maryland. Plumbing it out right now.

How deep do I really need to run the plumbing back to the pad? I was currently just going to go about 8-12", enough room for pavers + base. Is that acceptable?

Frost line is 30+" here, and I can't really imagine trenching 3 feet down. I will be blowing out all pipes in winter.
Take the extra time and go below the frost line. You'll be glad you did. I did a paver side walk. It was small and gets little use. I went down 2 ft and after one year it had settled and was very uneven. As far as the plumbing...They make codes for a reason. And the reason is people like me who tried and cut corners and am paying for it now. Imagine something comes up and you can't get to blowing out the pipes. You'll spend more time repairing everything.
If they don't do a plumbing inspection, you can do what you want, but as Raid said you should go below the frost line. That ensures that if when you blow the lines out and you don't quite get it completely dry, it won't freeze and burst.
<Where do I even find the code regarding this? The only thing I have found from my local office with regards to pool codes are fencing and bonding><<requirements. That's about all.>

Plumbing code is where will probably need to look. Or you can go to the building permit office and get info about it.
Codes vary from town to town. Depending on your town you may not have to have one. Where I live at, there isn't a plumbing inspection required as long as you don't tap into the city water supply or sewer.
Im in MD, my pipes are for the most part 30" below, however my pad is below the level of the pool so where the pipes come out under a retaining wall they are at that point below about 6inches for about 2-3 feet in length.
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