Ascorbic acid treatment


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May 23, 2009
Trenton NJ
It's taking forever to get my FC to zero. I have a swg and set it to 0% two days ago and my FC only went down from 5 ppm to 4.5

I have the pump going 24/7.....should I run it at my normal 8 hr/day? I have some leaves dropping and want to catch them before they sink to bottom.

I guess there's no way quicker way to accomplishing this?
There are chemicals you can add to lower the FC level, but they tend to be mildly expensive, not a huge issue but a bit of a deterrent. If you are in a hurry for some reason you can take that approach. For most people it is best to simply wait it out.
Let me ask you u think its better to do the treatment now or before next season. I am going to close soon? I know next year I would have to do the opposite. Balance the water and get rid of algae,then drop the fc down.
While not likely, it is possible for stains to reoccur over the winter. Because of that it is slightly better to wait until next season to do the treatment, thus avoiding the small chance that you would have to do it twice, now and again next season.
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