My Chlorine Consumption is Down Year To Year


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
Last year I logged FC chlorine reading levels, at least till I got tired of doing it in July. :-D This year, for the same week my FC levels are a few points higher. Yes, there are lots of other factors that could be in play but I am attributing it to my automatic pool cleaner. Before I put it in last week, my FC readings were about the same as last year. Since last week, my FC levels are almost too high.
It sounds reasonable. If your pool cleaner is removing debris from the water, the chlorine has less work to do, hence the chlorine lasts longer. Although other factors, such as pool usage, chemistry and weather can also influence your chlorine residual.
In any case, it seems like a good outcome.
No. The only things that go in my pool are bleach to shock, salt as needed, a dose of Purple Stuff as needed and muriatic acid or borax to adjust PH as needed. CYA was actually low at startup. I have been bringing it up slowly over the last several weeks. I don't put anything else in it - I wasted a lot of $$$ on chemicals before I found this site.
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