Year 2, how to relevel properly


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Last year was my first year with an intex AGP. I leveled the ground by digging up a bit, filling with dirt, then putting a layer of sand on top to get it level. Considering how not level my backyard is, I got it pretty level, but I did have two slightly low spots as I could tell by where water would go over the edge when there was a lot of movement. Last year I use a 8ft 2x4 or 2x6 attached to something in the center of my area, then kept pushing that around in circles to get everything as level as i could.
So right now i have my sand layer with the pavers still where the posts were last year. I didn't cover the area up during the winter or anything.
But what would be the proper way to relevel everything, or at least raise those couple slightly low spots?
Do I just need to get more sand and put that down in the lower spots from last year, as well as any spots that seem low now, to get that up a bit, as well as use the wood going in circles? Do i have to redig up the whole thing and redo it all? :(
The only reliable way to fix low spots is to dig the other areas down to that level. Filling in low spots only leads to more low spots. The weight of 3 to 4 feet of water is too much for a filled in area.

I found I needed to get a tractor guy to level area for me using a bobcat. It was fast, not cheap.
Mine was pretty level when I manually did it all last year, it was just a few spots that I could tell were slightly lower. So every year you have to dig up the entire area again and start from scratch? If that's the case, these AGP's are really not worth it.
making minor change to be precise shoud, be ok. But i we are talking raising a few inches around an entire side is not best practice. I maybe misspeaking but every thing i have read and my cnstruction and soil compaction expereince in my daily world make me think big elevation changes would not be suitable.

But being a temporay/seasonal pool could be a whole different ball game.
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