

Mod Squad
TFP Expert
Platinum Supporter
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
BoDarville has been selected as a "TFP Expert". That means a combination of things.....

He has great knowledge of pools

He conveys that knowledge concisely

He conveys that knowledge in a very friendly, easy to understand tone.

He is a very active member on the forum Usually many posts daily.

This forum is the premier pool forum on the net because of people like Bo.

The Moderators do a phenomenal job of keeping the place free of spam, splitting threads or combining threads when necessary and, importantly, correcting someone who doesn't abide by forum rules. They all take great pride in making this forum one of the friendliest spots on the internet.

The TFP Experts provide absolutely outstanding information to newbies and long-time members alike. Because we cover such a broad range of subjects, I don't think it an overstatement to say our TFP Experts may be the finest source of pool information ever assembled in one place. (There may be one exception to that :oops: :oops: )

Last, Do any of you remember the last time the forum went offline? They are few and far between and the last one I can remember was intentional as we upgraded our service. JasonLion gets sole credit for that diligence and computer expertise....he does an amazing job.

(BTW, all lifetime membership money goes into a fund that's sole purpose is to ensure the smooth operation of the forum 365/24/ if you're feeling generous or have gotten your money's worth since joining, consider a lifetime contribution)

Well, the original subject was BoDarville and how well he contributes to this forum but I started thinking just how many others contribute and just kept typing....sorry.
and four bucks will get you a large coffee! :mrgreen:
Thank you all for the kind words. I'm honored. I will do my best to continue earning the designation of TFP Expert. And to think...just over two years ago, I was like many of the newbies...spending $ on all kinds of chemicals and "miracle elixirs", dumping them into the pool "just because", partial drain & refills a couple of time per year, and running my single-speed pump determined solely on the air temperature (temperature / 10 and round up to get hours you should run pump). Never had a serious water problem, but I think I was on the verge of having one. I was lucky that I found this site when I did. So, for those of you new to the forum and currently battling a "big green swamp" or similar situation, take heart. All this "pool stuff" may seem overwhelming now, but with a little investment in time it will make sense. You will see that a owning & maintaining a pool does not have to be a money and time pit. You can do this!

duraleigh said:
They all take great pride in making this forum one of the friendliest spots on the internet.
This is the only forum I have ever joined and this is one of the primary reasons. So thanks to the Moderators for making it that way and to Jason for maintaining the uptime (I don't remember the site ever being down). And to everyone who has contributed to the Pool School articles, :goodjob: :cheers: . I still refer to these articles regularly. It's like watching a movie multiple times...each time you often notice something you didn't before.

A special word of thanks also goes to Richard320. I have always admired his posts, even before I joined the forum. Aside from his obvious pool knowledge, his posts are down to earth and written in a friendly tone with just the right amount of humor. This has given me a bar to aim for as I attempt to emulate that style. So Richard... :cheers:

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