Shocking a newly re-plastered pool

Jun 6, 2011
I added chemicals to my newly re-plastered and freshly filled pool.
Water is sparkly blue.
all numbers are good,
TA - 80
CH - 400
Ph - 7.2
except the FC went from 0 to 12 with one application of chlorine.
I have a 6600 gallon pool and added 2 gals of chlorine. This seemed like a reasonable amount
but this morning the FC read 12 !!
The CA is barely registering, but i am hesitant to add any to the 1 lb in sock in the skimmer.
I removed the trichlor pucks from the in line feeder.
I was told NOT to shock the pool during the first two weeks of curing, and truly did not intend to.
I am hoping that by not adding any more stabilizer the chlorine will burn down to acceptable levels.
I wonder though...did i do any harm to the new finish by adding so much chlorine? If so, what can i do
to correct the situation.
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