Low Amps & check/clean cell

low volts and low amps can either be a failed power module, or if you're running on 220 volts, perhaps one of the two 110 lines may have dropped out (meaning the circuit breaker on one line may have tripped).
If your system is wired directly to the circuit breaker, and separate from the circulation pump, then this may be a possibility.
If it is wired to the same location as the pump, and the pump is operating correctly, then it's probably a failed power module.

Also, please test and confirm your salinity level. If it's too low and the unit is need of salt calibration, then you "may" get low amps and low volts.

You may be right. Had my water checked and got a reading of salt much lower than the poolpilot. I added 120lbs last night, and will re-calibrate this afternoon. Hopefully that will do the trick.
I recalibrated it last night to 3900ppm, which was the lowest it would go to. I wanted to set it to 3100. Shouldnt I be able to do that?
No further comments, as my water level got too low so I am raising it before starting filter.
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