Ascorbic acid test in progress


LifeTime Supporter
May 23, 2009
Trenton NJ
I have a 20000 fiberglass ig pool. I am in the progress of doing the acid test. Last night I put in 1 lb and put on recirculate, about an hour latter I put another lb in because it did not get all the stains. I left it on recirculate all night and this morning it looks good but streaky on the walls, so I put my last lb in and kept on recirc.

What should I expect form this treatment, I mean the spots where the stains where lifted, it looks brand new, but on the other hand when is too much ascorbic acid, would it do any damage to pool equip.?

Should I add one more lb if it doesn't look much better? One last thing, do I wait til I am done adding the acid then put the sequest. agent in.
Adding too much ascorbic acid is only a waste of money. It won't damage anything.

Yes, you normally wait until the stains have lifted before adding sequestrant. You do it in this order to keep the pool from getting cloudy, so you can still see what you are doing and decide if you need more AA. Adding sequestrant tends to cause the water to cloud up for a few days, which makes it difficult to decide if you need more AA. Other than that, adding sequestrant early won't harm anything.

If you have been making progress removing the stain, but it isn't all gone, then adding more AA is a good idea. Stains can continue to lift for 24 hours or more, but it sounds like you have already waited that long.
My wife and I are amazed how dramatic the change is, it's like a new pool', the watt it used to look. Now if only we can keep it that way.

I am slowly adding the minimum chlorine according to chart. I assume I need to keep my eye on the PH too. From what I read, about 7.2
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