How do my numbers look?


Mar 26, 2010
Western Pa.
Any advice? Don't know why I feel so intimated by all this! And my DH must think I'm nuts as I flew out of bed this morning saying "got to beat the sun".
Last night:
fc- 5.5
cc- .5

This morning
fc- 5
cc- .5
Ph- 7.2
ta- 80
ch- 20
cya- 20 (I added this on the 10th, and not sure if I should wait awhile longer to add more)
Feeling intimidated is normal when you're learning something new and foreign to you. With time and parctice it'll become second nature. Hang in there.

Your numbers look good. Personally I would hold the FC close to shock to see if I could get that last little bit of CC to go away.

How much CYA did you add? What value were shooting for? I'd think 5 days would be enough time for it to be mostly dissolved but if the goal was much higher than you're seeing, give it another few days.
linda1 said:
Your numbers look good. Personally I would hold the FC close to shock to see if I could get that last little bit of CC to go away.
Just double checking. My shock level would be 10 and I would need to add 185 0z of 6% bleach and I should do this now or tonight?
Yep, shock 10. I'd shock tonight/this eve - after the sun is off the pool :wink:

There's a possibility the CC will be burned off by the sun today.
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