1st Test Results w/ HTH 6-way


Jun 4, 2017
Chicago, IL
I'm a new pool owner and just started testing with the HTH 6-way kit I picked up at Walmart. I know the TF-100 is the ideal test, and I plan to get, however, I just need to give my pocketbook a little rest. This install has cost me so much more than expected. Anyways, here are my results:

  • The size of my pool (15x48 Intex) says 4400 gallons on the box, however, PoolMath calculates 5300 gallons. Which one should I use?
  • I dropped these numbers in PoolMath using 4400 and got some instructions, however, where does TC+Bromine go? Also, there is no option for TH.
PH 7.3 > add 11oz of borax -- this says PH depends on TA and Borate. I don't have a test for Borate so I'm not sure what to do. Since my TA is high, does the PH need to go down?

TC + Bromine 2 > ??

CYA 10 > add 18oz of stabilizer -- I plan to use the sock method

TA 120 > looks like lowering the PH will take care of this??

TH 140 > ??​

Any feedback is much appreciated - I just need to get thru the next couple of weeks until I can afford to get the TF-100 test.
Intex gives volume based on 90% full. If you go out and stick a tape measure in and check the water depth, you'll get a better figure. Remember, you're dosing the water, not the pool.

Your pH is fine. If it's between 7.2 and 7.8, leave it alone.
The TA will come down a little with the CYA dissolving. Maybe not enough to see just yet, but it will.

You don't have a Bromine pool, so ignore the BR readings.

For the moment, things are okay. A chlorine reading of 2 is okay for having so little CYA. You're raising CYA and the rest is okay, so hop in. :splash:
...just started testing with the HTH 6-way kit....
I dropped these numbers in PoolMath using 4400 and got some instructions, however, where does TC+Bromine go? Also, there is no option for TH.

Congrats on the new pool!

PoolMath / TF-100 / K-2006 uses:
FC & CC .(PoolMath doesn't use CC)
CH (measures just calcium hardness)

The hth 6-way test kit allows you to test for:
total chlorine: FC + CC the hth kit measures total chlorine. TC is the sum of free chlorine FC and combined chlorine CC. The hth kit and most test strips report TC instead of FC & CC separately. PoolMath is looking for the FC value and that is what keeps out pools clean and sanitary. CC is the byproduct of the sanitation. Since CC is usually low in a balanced pool, consider CC to be 0.5ppm or less.

bromine: (not used in a chlorine pool)

pH: obviously pH

total alkalinity: TA

total hardness: the hth kit measures total hardness. TH is the sum of calcium hardness and magnesium hardness. The hth kit and most test strips report TH instead of CH. The ratio of calcium to magnesium varies. As an approximation you can multiply TH by two thirds to get a rough estimate of CH.

cyanuric acid: CYA
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