planning ahead


Mod Squad
TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 10, 2009
Houston, Texas
We are planning to add a deck to the pool for next summer. I would like the deck to go all the way around but I don't want to deck over the pump and filter. I know most above grounds have the pump and filter within 3 feet of the pool. Would there be any problems with moving them about 20 feet back and to the side?
zea3 said:
Most above grounds have the pump and filter within 3 feet of the pool. Would there be any problems with moving them about 20 feet back and to the side?
I'll offer an opinion that, as Click and Clack might opine, 'is unencumbered by the thought process:'

Certainly this would add something to the load on the pump, but it should be able to handle a straight or nearly straight run of that length using large diameter (say 2") PVC and a minimal number of turns using 45° elbows.

Disclaimer: Not an Expert on pump sizing or fluid dynamics
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