How do you detect algae early on?


LifeTime Supporter
May 24, 2007
Staten Island NY
I just beat the early stages of an algae bloom. I knew it was algae by a slight sliminess on the liner, cloudy water and higher than normal chlorine consumption. This was caused by me going on a small vacation, superchlorinating and leaving the solar cover on, which I assume did not allow the pool to oxidate properly. I have since superchlorinated and scrubbed and my pool is sparkling clean however my question now is:

My numbers were perfect prior to superchlorinating, yet the pool was cloudy, is there anything in the test kits that signify algae in its early stages or is it "Becoming one with your pool" that nips it in the butt? In this case it was the later.
Thanks for the responses. I had no CCs before or after. I just noticed something didn't seem right since I returned. It slowly got worse each day for two weeks before it was obvious. It never looked terrible....just not crisp and once the slimeness started, I knew what I had to do.
I think your question is a very good one that we don't discuss very often. Primarily because we are normally discussing full-blown algae blooms.

Probably knowing the conditions under which algae might be given a foot hold would be the first thing to be aware of. Long periods without chlorination is a sure "heads up".

Since we all pretty much know the above, I would think excessive chlorine consumption would be the next indicator. That would mean you have to monitor your chlorine pretty precisely (which I don't do :oops: ) but would be a pretty sure fire way you know something is in your pool.

Probably the best indicator is what Craig already alluded to......he is aware of his pool. After a few seasons under your belt, that "becoming as one with your pool...Aaahmmm!" really does work and you simply develop a sense for what your pool needs.
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