Looking for recommendation for renovation of pool


Bronze Supporter
Jan 5, 2016
Northern California
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pureline Crystal Pure 40,000
Hi, I am looking for a recommendation for a pool builder/renovator in the Northern Carlifornia area. I am in Sonoma County and was hoping someone here lives in the area and could pass along a name of someone they've used for a pool remodel.

Thank you!
Just in case no one answers from here I am going to tell you want we tell most people to do.

Call around and get at least 5 bids. Have them come out to the house and look at your pool and area. THEN get and visit their references!!! Try to find one that is about 5 yrs old. Ask this question: "Would you have them do work for you again?" You can also drive around your area and see if anyone is having a pool built. Talk to the subs and see who THEY would have do the kind of work you need done. After a while the same names will start coming up, good and bad.

Let us know what you find out.

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