Stenner pump reliability, potential for spillage and preventative maintenance periods


Silver Supporter
Nov 23, 2017
Port Orange, FL
Is it practical to use a Stenner pump for either liquid chlorine or acid at a house that's often vacant for many days or perhaps weeks. I'm concerned a little that it could simply stop working and the water chemistry would drift without being monitored. I'm even more concerned that a hose could rupture, most likely the pump hose, and contaminate a large area with a caustic chemical. How durable are these pumps, how often does the pump hose need to be replaced and how predictable is the hose life?

Also, I'm thinking that the pump should probably be mounted higher than the supply tank, that way a hose break wouldn't allow the tank to drain due to gravity. Can I assume it would work this way or is it too easy to get air leakage and no fluid movement? If this would work, maybe a buried tank would be ideal, it would be low and out of sight. Does anyone do that?
Stenner pumps are used outside of the pool world for industrial use with many various chemicals. They are fairly robust and should last without a problem. Many replace the pump tube yearly, but it does last longer. You could replace for the peace of mind. You really cant siphon with these units. The rollers inside make a positive seal in a couple of spots and there really isn't any way for the liquid to free flow through. It is possible it could leak on the ground though. I would make sure that the area around the pump & drum are free of things that you don't want ruined if there was a leak. Bleach isn't too big a deal, but acid is much more corrosive.

The water chemistry will drift over time and should really be checked more often than once a week or month. Maybe you could hire a friend or service to just look over the pool once a week to make sure something catastrophic hasn't happened.

Perhaps you can set up one of those outdoor cameras and monitor it over the internet while you are away. Point it at the pad and pool. I have a Ring doorbell that I can view from anywhere with an internet connection. It has audio and could even check if the pump is running. They have other cameras that can do the same thing. Pool / house security can be accomplished as well.
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