Putting a toe in the water


Bronze Supporter
Feb 27, 2018
Savannah, GA
We recently moved to a new house with a large back yard, and SWMBO wants a pool. Been doing a lot of reading on this site and have learned a lot, at least enough to ask questions of the salesmen. Would prefer a fiberglass but may have to go with vinyl for cost reasons. Still considering options on chlorination in this very warm and rainy climate.

Welcome to TFP.. A great place to find the answers to all your new pool questions, even if they do show your age... :shark:

I though I was the only one that used the term "She Who Must Be Obeyed" (SWMBO)... I'm sure it is older, but I picked it up years ago from an old British PBS show about a lawyer and his wife SWMBO.. A great show even if I can no longer remember the name..

I agree with Kim, Saltwater is the only way to go... Warm and rainy real do not make much of a difference it maintaining a pool...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.

The TV show was.. Rumpole of the Bailey...