SoCal Newb

Jul 25, 2017
Rancho Cucamonga
New to the club but a pool owner since 2003. I live below Cajon Pass in SoCal and am at the mercy of Santa Ana winds that keep me working double time during the fall. It seems like the pool is more work in the winter and fall than summer. Would appreciate any high wind area pool maintenance tips.
I put my leaf net over the top when the wind forecast is above 15 mph. The net will catch anything over 1/4" and my Rebel pool sweep will work underneath.


Is this leaf net like a mesh winter safety cover or is it just a seasonal thing for leaves? I have been trying to find a mesh leaf net that is easy to put on and off for the early fall. Not like a safety cover. something simpler.

No not a safety cover rather a large net with reinforced edging and eyelets that we lay on the surface and weight the edges to keep it covering the water. The weave is 1/4" so catches most of the debris carried by the wind. Dirt and small debris will make it through and some of it sinks to be picked up by the sweeper. We pull off the net, dispose of leaves and remove any small surface debris after the wind slows or if it loads up and there is more in the forecast we put it back into position. Most pool supply stores sell a leaf net that comes in different sizes.