Will I ever need to use my MPS shock with the bbb process?

New to bbb process. The place I bought the spa from recommended 2-3 tablespoons of MPS shock after each use. Do you recommend this with bbb process? Will I ever need to use MPS shock on this process? If so, when?

If you had a high bather load, it could help to reduce the recovery time of the spa. MPS is just another oxidizer (note: NOT a sanitizer) and it can work in conjunction with chlorine to clean up after a heavily used spa. Typically speaking, a well maintained chlorine hot tub will have little use for MPS.

Downsides to using MPS is that it interferes with the FAS-DPD chlorine test and it adds sulfates to the water which can be hard on the cheaper forms of spa heaters (those made of Incoloy metal).
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