Where is my CH going?


LifeTime Supporter
Feb 3, 2009
Oakton, VA
Help me figure this one out: for the past month the CH has been stable at 280, including this Monday and today it is 250. Haven't backwashed at all or drained the pool in the meantime. There was a bit of rain, but no more than an inch...here is the full test results:

FC 2.5
CC 0.5
TA 90
CH 250
PH 7.8
CYA 30
T 77

I have no leaks from anywhere, I am not losing any water...and I double checked the result :?
Rain, which will have no calcium in it, can reduce your CH in fairly short order. It can also do the same to your CYA and TA. Recheck everything to rule-out the possibility of a testing error and then you should have your answer.
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