Divin Dave


Mod Squad
TFP Expert
Platinum Supporter
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
Dave has stepped down as a moderator on TFP. His contributions here have been terrific and I am pleased to have worked with him.

Dave has helped our forum grow and has always been a steady hand in the (sometimes frenetic) moderator section of our forum.

He will remain with us as a "TFP Expert" and we'll still hear from him from time to time.

Thanks, Dave, you have been a great contributor and I am pleased you'll still be around some.

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Divin Dave:

I wanted to pass along a note of thanks for your time and the contributions you made as a moderator. As a former moderator, I have first-hand knowledge of the commitment involved and everyone who signs up for this deserves thanks and respect. I also understand that real-life beckons which is the reason I had to relinquish my role as moderator earlier this year. Glad that you will still be around and I'm sure you will continue to make great contributions as a TFP Expert. This :cheers: is for you!
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