New Inground Pool and Debris/Filter Issues


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hello all,

long time lurker back in my aboveground days. I'm not a novice, but just bought a home with an inground pool. It was built in 94, the liner is just 2 years old but the pump, filter and heater show their age. It is 24,000 gallons.

I was able to meet the previous owner prior to closing and he walked me through his routine which was pretty basic. Runs the pump 24/7, there is a timer I will look into and fills the brominator every 2 weeks or so. test the water occasionally and has it professionally opened and closed. The pool water is clear.

My issue is with vacuuming. the previous owner said he always vacuumed on waste. Seems wasteful to me, so my first time I vacuumed on filter. It's a generic pole and head and I have a kreepy krawly already on order, but it took more time then I would have liked to vac. So next time I vac on waste. After vac on waste I get this big push of bubbles out the return jets and a bunch of fine sand and silt dumps out. So the next time I do the same but rinse for about 45 seconds and the site-glass is clear. (really wasting a lot of water here). It still dumps small sand/silt. The next morning after the pump running all night the debris has accumulated in the normal spots again and almost looks as if I hadn't vacuumed. There's no algae or slim, just fine sand/silt.

I did do a brief backwash last week but because of a low water level may not have gone long enough? pressure is good at the returns.

My initial search shows maybe multiport or maybe verticals? The multiport is much harder to mover then my intex pump on my old pool and I'm wonder if it's the culprit. Does it make sense to empty the filter and check the verticals and try new sand before replacing the port? Seems the port is more expensive but easier to replace.

thanks in advance.

Pump: dyna-tech 1hp
filter: Hayward S210T w/ variflow xl
brominator: perform-max pool sanitizer

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thanks I'll try that. It's hard to understand what might be happening because I don't have a baseline.

I just spoke to the guy who has been opening and closing the pool. Mentioned the issue and he said that its always done that and my laterals are fine and most likely the multi-port. The previous guys just "dealt" with it. Seems odd to me as you have to vac much more often.

I'm also wondering if I'm going to replace the port, should I just do the laterals and change the sand at the same time while I'm in there? how much of a pain is it to change sand and laterals?
You will not have to change the sand, just clean it. I use a shop vac and dump it in my wheel barrow to clean it real good.

The laterals are easy. I would go ahead and have a bead on new ones in town if at all possible just in case you do need to replace them.

YEAH! SO neat and easy! Use the shop vac to suck up the sand. When the container gets full dump it into the wheel barrow and start over again. You can even go ahead and run water over,through, under, around that sand to get the yucky stuff out.

This also keeps you from having to left it as far when you go to add it back tothe filter.

thanks kimkat I appreciate your help. I'm going to deal with my issue for the rest of the season as there's only about a month left in NY. I am going to overhaul her in the spring when I open her up and I'll follow this advice as well as putting in new laterals and a multiport. For ~$200 in parts and piece of mind that it's new and functioning I think it's worth it.
Just wanted to followup on this in case someone else reads it someday. Over the winter I bought some new parts. In the car world you often replace other stuff "while you're at it". And I subscribed to that here. I knew I wanted to replace the multiport even if it was not the culprit because it was faded the pressure gauge was foggy and I could tell it's been there a long time and the price wasn't breaking the bank. Figured I'd do the laterals while the top was off just in case one is broken. Bought a new top for my brominater and all my old stuff would be looking new again.

Well first off I was amazed at how little sand was in my filter. It calls for 200 lbs, and while I realize the whole filter shouldn't be filled, it should be pretty full with at least 6" of headspace. Well there was maybe an inch or 2 of sand covering the laterals. My guess is maybe 100 lbs of sand if that. I'm hoping this was due to my sand leaking problem and that it had diminished and was not done intentionally to fix some other problem, but I vac'd out the sand and low and behold found a broken lateral. Also glad I bought the cardboard sand filter cap because none of the new parts came with one and it made the job easier.

So the pool opens in a couple weeks and I'll be able to test all the fittings then, but for about $200 I have a new multiport, laterals and sand. Should have much better performance this year.004.jpg
Well that would do it! Now wonder you have had the problems you did! Good JOB!

Have you bought the new sand yet? Make sure it is POOL filter sand and do NOT buy the "quikcrete" kind. Even if it SAYS it is for pools. There has been MANY complaints about it and when we compare it to "real" pool sand it is very different and did not work as the size was not consistent.


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Not on purpose! The cement sand people (quikcrete) was selling it as pool sand :( This was a summer or two back. I am not sure if they sell it any more. It took us a while to realize what was going on. Of course they were selling it for cheap so people where buying it.

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