Wall Foam, Foam Cove and padding....What goes first?

Just put up my Saltwater 8000 walls, tamped my sand base and ready to install wall foam, cove and tough pad. The problem I am having is not sure if the black pad goes over the Styrofoam cove or does the foam cove lay on top of the padding and sticky end to wall. I have searched the web and I see some cover the cove at the bottom where it touches the sand. I understand the stick end goes against the pool wall. The foam wall is 48" and I was going to start it at the top of cove instead from top as it may give me problems with liner and stabilizers due to thickness ...would appreciate the correct way of doing this...thanks in advance.
Thanks for the fast response.....today i will install the amour pad and take it right to middle of cove and tape again all around. First I will tamp all around and clean the sand off making it smooth and flat. I am reconsidering putting up the foam wall as I don't see great benefit from foam wall other than a softer feel when swimming....I tapped all the bolt heads and seams...should work fine.


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