Dropped algea into pool when removing cover...

Jun 10, 2015
Ottawa, Canada
Yesterday I ended up dropping a nice cloud of green water from top of my cover into the pool when I removed it...:mad:

my parameters were and had been like that for 2 weeks, with crystal clear water:
FC: 4.5
CC: 0
TA: 60
CH: 175
CYA: 50
pH: 7.6
Borate: 50

When I saw that cloud of green going into the pool I raised FC to 8 hoping that since my water had been perfect it could take care of the newly entered guest in the pool. It wasn't a huge amount, but still created a decent size cloud.

Today water as been a bit milky.
weather is very hot, for us, 88-90 degree.

I see that my pool is consuming more FC, but could be from very hot weather (has been below 70 since I opened the pool 1 month ago).

I think I will need to SLAM, but wondering what I should have done when I removed the cover and saw the messy water go in. Or could it recover without a SLAM, Which I dought...

current parameters:
FC: 10 ( I also raised the SWG output since it's hot and will stay like this for a few days )
CC: 0
pH: 7.6
others not retested today.

We want to use the pool for the week-end, so SLAM will wait for Monday, unless I get other recommendation.
You can SLAM a pool and swim in it as long as the clarity is at a safe level (you can see the bottom). It is safe to swim in water up to shock level.
The pool is a bit milky, but still not bad. Actually much nicer than the pool my kids had there swimming lesson in earlier today(indoor pool). I can still see a coin a the bottom of deep end, but would not longer be able to tell head or tail. I'm used to a crystal clear pool, so it could be considered very nice by non-TFP pool owners. That is the reason for holding on the SLAM.
The longer you wait, the more of a chance you give the algae to establish itself. Once you start throwing people into the pool for a party, the bather waste is going to increase and your FC is going to drop like a stone. The clarity will plummet and you're going to no longer be able to see the deep end.

You're free to do whatever you want but if it were my pool, I'd start SLAMing it. People can still swim in it even at shock level.

Good luck.
OK, so after this is fixed.
Short of not using the cover, any other way to prevent this from happening again?
Do you have tricks on how to remove cover and prevent to have its top water poored into your pool?
or a way to prevent water to collect on top and get transformed into an algea nurserie?
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