New pool location - what to use under pool


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Jun 26, 2015
Concord, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
Last year we set up our pool, eyeballing a section of our yard and deciding it was level. It wasn't. (This was before I found TFP.) Even though it was a few inches off level we went with it, although I was super paranoid all summer long that the side would give. Knowing we would be moving it for this season we drained and packed it away before winter. This year I have a little tractor to help dig down about 4-6 inches to level out the ground in the new area, pulling out all the roots and rocks that are buried there. I was thinking about building a 20'x20' pad of pavers to put the pool on. My boyfriend thinks those would be too rough on the bottom of the pool. I remember seeing someone last year that had done that but I can't find the thread. Any suggestions about what to place the pool on? is directly on dirt the ideal choice? That just seems so muddy to me.
click on the link in my signature, I used the foam sheets and really like them, wished I would have done this with my previous pools. using the foam and the pavers would be good in my opinion.
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