Removing Metal Stains with MM


LifeTime Supporter
May 4, 2010
I started a thread about this over in the Chemistry section of the forum but I've changed my course of action after doing some reading here. I was going to do the AA treatment, but noticed a few people have had some success with just using ProTeam Metal Magic and the process seemed a lot easier, so I thought I'd give it a try. I wanted to share my day to day progress so that those who have done this might want to chime in with some encouragement or even advice.

4 days prior to adding the MM, I started lowering my FC to about 3.0 and raising my pH to around 7.6-7.7 per the instructions. I also added a quart of poly60 since I knew I would have times where FC would drop below the minimum for my CYA(60-70).

On Sunday of this week, I performed the MM sponge test and determined that the stains around the sponge were lifted in about 15 minutes, so my plan was to following the prescription as outlined on the MM instructions (1qt of MM per 5K gallons of water)

On Monday of this week (Day1), pH was 7.7 and FC was 3.0 and water was crystal clear. So I added the 5 quarts of MM in the morning and went to work. Monday evening I returned home to a milky white pool. pH had dropped to 7.0 and FC was down to 1.5. Filter pressure had risen from 12 to about 16. I added a little bleach to bring FC back up to about 3.0 and let the filter run overnight.

Tuesday (Day 2) - That's today. I woke up around 5:30 and the filter pressure had risen to about 18. So I decided to change clean the DE filter cartridge and add more DE. This brought the pressure back down to 11 (normal for my pool). pH was down to about 6.8 so I added enough Borax to bring it up to about 7.1. I also added a little more bleach as it is going to be a sunny day. The water is still milky white (can barely see the main drain in the deep end). Also noticed lots of white powdery stuff along the bottom of the pool. Could this be the so called crystals forming from the treatment? Also, the DE filter cartridge was coated with flaky white pieces (probably the same stuff). Not sure if it looked like calcium or crystallized metals.

Results so far....from what I can see, the stains are mostly gone although there is still a faint outline of a stubborn stain that has been there for a couple of years now. It's really hard to see since the water is so milky, but i can say for sure that it's better.

Wanting to know if others who have tried this method (swampwoman, for one), kept adding small amounts of bleach/borax in the days following the treatment. I am added bleach and Borax in small doses to try to keep FC around 3.0 and pH around 7.0-7.2. Or would it be better to just leave things alone until the water clears up? Also, have others seen a dramatic clouding of the water? The ProTeam instructions do say to expect this, but I'm wondering how long it will take to clear it up.

Any insights would be much appreciated.
Good morning, Run.
I adjusted back to normal FC levels after a day when I did it.

I didn't cloud because I have virtually no ch. What was your ch reading when you began?

My understanding is that it takes about 3 days to clear cloudiness after the treatment, but of course I suspect that depends on how much ch is in the water and how effective your filtration is.
Thanks swampwoman! my CH was about 150 when I started.

So it seems the white stuff is CH???? and not the suspended metal crystals that ProTeam claims will happen?

What about the pH drop? Was yours as large? I didn't expect a drop form 7.7 to 6.8. That seems extreme.
Good morning. i believe/assume the crystals are metal bound with calcium but could be all wet on that ;) Why not give proteam a call about the ph drop and ask them...I don't recall mine dropping as much, but that doesn't mean anything.

I do know that when I use it my filter pressure rises and my backwash water is milky.

How does the water look today?
good idea about calling them!

The water is looking better (I can now see the bottom drain. FC is holding well and pH is stabilizing around 7.2 :D

Although still milky cloudy, I'm only starting the 3rd day of 24/7 filtration. ProTeam says 3 solid days of around the clock filtering. There is clearly progress, so I am happy. Best news of all is I can already see dramatic improvements in the way the liner looks. Some very dull staining remains (almost not even noticeable) but definitely happy with the results so far.
Heading into Day 4 of the MM treatment, the water is looking MUCH better. There is still some traces of white powder accumulating along the bottom of the pool so I am still brushing it up. However when it's just sitting there the water is crystal clear and the stains are 95% gone. I am very impressed with how nice the liner looks. Still running the pump 24/7 until the powder residue is gone.

I have never done an AA treatment before, so it's hard to compare. However, I would have to think that this MM method to remove my stains (after doing the ProTeam sponge test) has been fairly painless. Although the pool was milky/cloudy for about 3 days, the ordeal of getting the water back to balanced and holding FC was simple. Seems like from what others have documented here, the AA process poses some challenges getting the FC back to where it needs to be.

It will be interesting to find out if the metals have actually been removed from the water. I can tell you that when I changed my DE and washed the cartridge, there was lots of white flaky material there. Hopefully this is the metals that somehow bound to the CH and is now removed from the pool. It would be great if an expert could confirm this. Either way, I will get my water tested for metals once the treatment is completed (probably this weekend).

I will be closing my pool in a couple of weeks, so I'm wondering if I need a maintenance dose of MM before that. But I will likely do maintenance doses next year after opening throughout the summer,in the hopes of not having to deal with metals again.
I was planning on using some MM, any suggestions on when to use it? I'm closing my pool soon so I wasn't sure if I should do it before closing, at closing, or when I open again next year? I was thinking about doing it before closing, letting my FC drop to near zero and put the MM in. Let it circulate for a few days, then shock the pool and as FC drops add the poly 60 and close the pool. Any suggestions?
Shocking will break down the MM faster...I believe the instructions say not to raise to shock level for a week or so after application so you may want to check that first.

With metals, i don't actually shock/Slam before closing...but I do bring the FC up to near Slam levels per cya.
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