How to use the TF100?

I haven't ordered it yet.
I was wanting to make sure I know what I'm doing before I order something I can't figure out. The photo on that site was just a bottle, so I'm just making sure.
And any instructions posted on the link are over six years old. Just confirming that nothing has changed.
I'm going through the three pages of thread and seeing all these other things people are suggesting, step changes, discrepancies, or things the TF100 doesn't have compared to the other one mentioned. The last comment was in 2012.

Maybe a new post at the top that is 100% fresh and new and updated with the entire thread of suggest information incorporated into the PDF? I tend to not trust posts that are old since information and product packaging change all the time.
Then there was this anyway sooooo
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Hello, and welcome to TFP!

Very little has changed concerning the use of the TF-100 over the years. Both the video's on YouTube and this thread are updated fairly often to reflect these changes. Also, you will receive a card with your TF-100 that contains instructions once you order. Last off.......if you have any questions you can just ask. We'll gladdy help you out.
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