Does the extra drop affect CC results?


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 8, 2013
North Canton, OH
I have read on here a couple times to keep adding R0871 during the FC test until you add a drop and get no color change, then subtract that drop. Won't that make your CC result low? It would seem that extra drop of R0871 would hang around unreacted and consume a little CC right when it is formed by the R003 addition. So I would think one could have 0.5 CC and regularly test at 0 instead.
I found this interesting so I did a quick comparison last night while we were enjoying the pool. First FC/CC test I did the same as usual, one more drop after clear. CC 0.5ppm (very faint pink). Second test I stopped drops right at color change, CC 0.5ppm (very faint pink). I used the same water sample for both tests.

I've done the same for the powder (1 vs 2 scoops) and at my FC levels I got the same result.

Close enough for me.

When testing for FC (and CC), add R0871 until the solution goes clear. That is your FC.

It's testing for TA and CH is when you add drops until there is no further color change and then subtract the last drop.

I have read on here a couple times to keep adding R0871 during the FC test until you add a drop and get no color change, then subtract that drop. Won't that make your CC result low? It would seem that extra drop of R0871 would hang around unreacted and consume a little CC right when it is formed by the R003 addition. So I would think one could have 0.5 CC and regularly test at 0 instead.
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