New member - hello!

Jul 12, 2015
Orlando, FL
I've been reading tfp for several months in preparation of having my own pool. Finally got it up just over a month ago. I went with a small 15' x 48" Intex as my first as I didn't want to invest too much if things went awry... :)
Besides, I have a 4 yr old and a 4 mo. old so 15' is big enough for now. Everyone keeps asking when our 4 yr old is going to take swim classes but he's doing so well with just my wife and I that I think he'll be swimming in no time! My wife and I have always been wary about organized swim classes.

This is is not my first experience with maintaining a pool. My wife and I used to live with her parents for a while and they have an awesome in-ground pool with a 9ft deep end! Love that pool but unfortunately my wife's parents are too old and too poor to maintain/run it so it's been a swamp for years. When we lived there it was a swamp and since we moved out its back to a swamp. It's a real shame but for the time I was there I got it back to like new and maintained it for everyone to enjoy.

Back then I relied on pool store water tests and did fairly well, but I'm the kind of person who likes to get fully involved in something and have a keen attention to detail. I'm enjoying and looking forward to learning, testing and maintaining my own pool.
Hello and welcome! Glad to hear you're motivated to take care of things on your own. In doing so, please make sure you have one of the recommended test kits: There simply is no substitute for accuracy, and you cannot rely on the pool store for assistance. Others will reply to greet you I'm sure. Look in all of our signatures and you will see common links to pages that are very valuable to you. Enjoy your day, and welcome!