1 Week after Opening


Active member
Jun 20, 2023
Charlotte, NC
Hey everyone! checking in 1 week after opening the pool and taking some initial stabs at getting the chemistry going for the season. It's been circulating on a regular program for a week and I have yet to clean the filters thanks to the continued oak tree pollen. Here are my readings currently:

pH: 7.4
FC: 4.5
CC: 0.5(ish)
TC: 4.5-5.0(ish)
TA: 50
CH: 170
CYA: 90

Pool is salt water, fiberglass shell, and 11000 gallons. Water is clear and clean looking currently and 62 degrees.

We won't be swimming for probably another month, but are there any next steps I should take or does it look good so far?