1 month of SLAM and no OCLT pass

I understand, but what I'm trying to reconcile is that the new powder and drops were consistent on 2 tests back to back without cleaning. That's great...but much lower FC and variable CC than the slightly older powder and drops.
All I can do is pitch the older stuff since I don't trust it and continue with the new to prove it out further.
What are the potentials for variation between "batches" of testing reagents from TFTestKits? And I've read that blackish powder and chunky is ok to use if you break it up, but the new one is pure white and not chunky.
What are the potentials for variation between "batches" of testing reagents from TFTestKits?
Low. It does happen, but it wouldn't drive variation between tests, it would drive variation from actual.
And I've read that blackish powder and chunky is ok to use if you break it up, but the new one is pure white and not chunky.
My vial from last year is blackish and it has been working fine.

Ok, I didn't track that. So test 1 and 2 were old and 3 and 4 were new?
What are the potentials for variation between "batches" of testing reagents from TFTestKits?

TFTestkits uses Taylor reagents. A very nice thing about that is TAYLOR is the standard for all pool water testing, They are precise and consistent.

TFTestkits receives Taylor chemistry fresh from the factory at very frequent intervals and they don't package using different "batches".

I. E.......The Taylor R-0004 is all the same "batch" time after time.

So, Taylor and TFP both believe there is essentially NO difference from one shipment to the next
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Ok, I didn't track that. So test 1 and 2 were old and 3 and 4 were new?
Exactly right. I wondered if that took a sec to sink in…seems a batch shift to me.
I’m slamming with the new stuff and FC now. Will see OCLT tomorrow.
Thanks both for the comments on reagents.
I understand, but what I'm trying to reconcile is that the new powder and drops were consistent on 2 tests back to back without cleaning. That's great...but much lower FC and variable CC than the slightly older powder and drops.
All I can do is pitch the older stuff since I don't trust it and continue with the new to prove it out further.
What are the potentials for variation between "batches" of testing reagents from TFTestKits? And I've read that blackish powder and chunky is ok to use if you break it up, but the new one is pure white and not chunky.
Ive never seem black powder and Ive got powder close to 2 years old (it does look slightly grey) I wouldnt trust it even if its supposed to be ok.
Not a batch shift, the older reagents are degrading...hence higher FC result (more drops because not as strong).
purchased from TFT in Feb this year. I keep it inside in a cabinet, closed up etc. I hope it doesn't degrade that fast? Regardless, moving on with the newer stuff.
purchased from TFT in Feb this year. I keep it inside in a cabinet, closed up etc. I hope it doesn't degrade that fast? Regardless, moving on with the newer stuff.
Odd. I guess I should have asked how "old" old is...figured it was a year or more. Next time I'll ask.
cover has been not been shut, ~1/4" of rain yesterday, plenty of wind & airborne stuff but swept out & skimmer kept clean. Water is crystal clear. 50 CYA SLAM FC maintained at 20-22 throughout the day. OCLT info below. I took two tests back to back from same sample bottle for trying to build my confidence in the repeatability of the tests. Believe me, I'm being as meticulous and consistent as I can in measuring, process etc...particularly with vertical bottle, slow drops and 10mL to the bottom of the meniscus, using a small dropper.

5/24 9PM
Test #1 FC 20.5, CC 1.5
Test #2 FC 22.0, CC 1.5

pump on low + 3 swim jets on low all night, cover open

5/25 5AM; washed all sample & test equipment with alcohol
Test #1 FC 20, CC 2.0
Test #2, FC 19.5, CC 1.5

Questions/request for comments:
1. What to make of the back to back 1.5 FC difference on 5/24?
2. What to make of the high CC's this AM. Can anyone confirm all the spring airborne stuff does not result in high CC's? Or rain contribute to CC's?
3. Depending on which tests I pick, the FC could pass or fail the OCLT.
4. Next steps?

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cover has been not been shut, ~1/4" of rain yesterday, plenty of wind & airborne stuff but swept out & skimmer kept clean. Water is crystal clear. 50 CYA SLAM FC maintained at 20-22 throughout the day. OCLT info below. I took two tests back to back from same sample bottle for trying to build my confidence in the repeatability of the tests. Believe me, I'm being as meticulous and consistent as I can in measuring, process etc...particularly with vertical bottle, slow drops and 10mL to the bottom of the meniscus, using a small dropper.

5/24 9PM
Test #1 FC 20.5, CC 1.5
Test #2 FC 22.0, CC 1.5

pump on low + 3 swim jets on low all night, cover open

5/25 5AM; washed all sample & test equipment with alcohol
Test #1 FC 20, CC 2.0
Test #2, FC 19.5, CC 1.5

Questions/request for comments:
1. What to make of the back to back 1.5 FC difference on 5/24?
2. What to make of the high CC's this AM. Can anyone confirm all the spring airborne stuff does not result in high CC's? Or rain contribute to CC's?
3. Depending on which tests I pick, the FC could pass or fail the OCLT.
4. Next steps?

The tests have a tolerance of 1 drop and your results are pretty close to that tolerance. You keep going on the SLAM cause of the high CC. Junk getting blown into the pool could make some CC, but not stuff in the air.
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1. What to make of the back to back 1.5 FC difference on 5/24?
Be sure you know how to take EVERY test to it's ENDPOINT. Are you doing that?
What to make of the high CC's this AM. Can anyone confirm all the spring airborne stuff does not result in high CC's? Or rain contribute to CC's?
Those results are quite normal, CC's are an indicator that the chlorine is actively working on contaminates. That test might give you .5 ppm tomorrow
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OK...out of town all day & back to it. Cover open while gone, full sun about 80F. SWCG at 40% for 8 hrs (should be ~1.2 FC add in that time). Test for SLAM 4PM:
Test #1 FC 13.5, CC 1.5
Test #2 FC 13.5, CC 0.5

13.5 + 1.2 = 14.7. Was at 20 when we left this AM, so lost 5.3 due to sun or other. This sound like a lot of FC loss at 50 CYA?
Just Added 1.25 gal LC to get back to SLAM.
Be sure you know how to take EVERY test to it's ENDPOINT. Are you doing that?
If you mean add drops until no more color change, then subtract last drop, then yes I'm doing that. If you mean something else, please explain.

The tests have a tolerance of 1 drop and your results are pretty close to that tolerance. You keep going on the SLAM cause of the high CC. Junk getting blown into the pool could make some CC, but not stuff in the air.
My FC tests last night were 3 drops off, and CC this afternoon 2 drops off. Seems like a long ways from 1 drop accuracy when the criteria for pass/fail are 1 drop :confused:. I'm not a perfectionist, yet want to do this right...but at some point this has to be more practical than doing the same thing and getting the same results? Water is crystal clear.
My point about the stuff in the air is that it lands in the water....pollen & oaks are pretty well done now, cottonwoods are still going. Might be the 17 year + 13 year cicadas next! :laughblue:What I'm wondering is...please educate me, I don't know the chemistry... if all this organic stuff is taking up FC and making a lot of CC...so is my water really fine, just that the chlorine is working OT in the spring and passing the stringent 0.5 CC or less won't happen until the organics stop falling?
Thanks for hanging in here with me...
My FC tests last night were 3 drops off, and CC this afternoon 2 drops off. Seems like a long ways from 1 drop accuracy when the criteria for pass/fail are 1 drop :confused:.

Each test you do has an error tolerance of + or - 1 drop. If the true FC is 20, then the test could read 19.5 or 20.5 and still be normal. Then when you do the second test, it could also be the same amount off either way. So the same 20ppm FC can read 19.5 in one test and 20.5 in the next test and both are within tolerance.

So your FC tests last night were just one drop off from the normal tolerance. Id call it close enough to not worry about it. Just trying to help ease your mind and not to sweat minor differences like that. Once it gets 3ppm difference or more then you can wonder if something wonky is going on.
Good morning, things are improving significantly!
Sat night OCLT 8PM: cover continuously open since Thur
Test #1: FC 20.5, CC 1.0
Test #2: FC 20.5, CC 0.5

Sun AM 5 AM:
Test #1: FC 19.5, CC 1.0
Test #2: FC 19.5, CC 1.0
Calling it good. Next step is to see if cover is/was causing the trouble from 1-2 weeks ago.

Scrubbed topside of cover with dish soap & a little chlorine.

Sun night OCLT 9PM: cover closed tonight
Test #1: FC 18.5, CC 0.5
Test #2: FC 18.5, CC 0.5

Mon AM:
Test #1: FC 17, CC 1.0
Test #2: FC 17.5, CC 0.5

Confidence in the testing has returned. Must have been a troublesome vial of powder is all I can figure. Then the top of the cover had grungy spots, especially in the creases... and definitely needed cleaned well. I'll add this to the mental list for next year start up to do that right away.

If anyone has any responses to my questions about all the pollen, cottonwoods etc using up FC and creating high CC, please let me know. As a side note, the nylon on the skimmer is less clogged yesterday than it has been all week. Maybe spring ends on Memorial day and summer starts?!?

Thanks all, for the help as always!
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Whoo hoo! 🥳
Glad things are improving!
Just go back to 1 test each time. Save those reagents!
In my experience cotton wood fluff nor pollen have really increased my fc demand by a noticeable amount.
Large quantities of debris might though. Like when a storm rolls through & dumps tons of organic material in. The answer is just clean it out & use more chlorine.
Hopefully once you get back to using the auto cover again you’ll have less stuff getting in anyway.