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  1. Bama Rambler

    Oxygen pool

    ^Well put Matt^ (y) ???
  2. Bama Rambler

    If FC is at or above the recommended for CYA and no CC present, but mustard algae is present...

    What you described doesn't actually sound like mustard algae. Can you pinch a bit of it and rub it between your fingers? If so tell us what it feels like? If it's gritty it's most likely not algae.
  3. Bama Rambler


    While it does exist, the incident rate of people actually contracting it is very very small. Of course the news doesn't say that of the millions and millions of swimmers only a very few contract anything. I read that the national incidence rate is between .29 and .70 cases per 100,000 Having...
  4. Bama Rambler

    Test kit or no test kit?

    Pool places, and so called pool professionals started calling Sodium Hypo (Bleach), Liquid Chlorine. People who know what Liquid Chlorine is would never call bleach liquid Chlorine.