Search results

  1. tucsontico

    Liquid shock, chlorine free shock, or regular shock

    Liquid chlorine is the preferred chemical for sanitizing and "shocking" your pool. BTW, as TX Splash said, "shock" is a marketing term. Look carefully at the ingredient list on a container of "shock" and you'll see the active ingredient is chlorine. To make shock shelf-stable the add stabilizer...
  2. tucsontico

    Can't run pool, 90 degree water, best course of action

    How about posting a picture of your pool pump/filter plumbing? The forum could give you more detailed ideas of how to either temporarily bypass the filter or install a new one.
  3. tucsontico

    CC stuck at 1 ppm with Slam

    Check the age of your test kit reagents. The CC reagent may be a bit "old" and giving false readings. In the meantime keep on slamming'!
  4. tucsontico

    I need help, please!!!

    Any level of FC up to the SLAM level is safe to swim in. However, the reason you're SLAMming is due to algae (green, cloudy water). It is unwise (unsafe) to let anyone swim in a pool when you cannot clearly see the bottom. The real key is to have BALANCED pool water--meaning keep the water...
  5. tucsontico

    Help before I do something STUPID (again)

    First things first, CYA testing will not produce a value of "31-32". Always round up to the next highest value when calculating your required FC. This will prevent an undershoot of FC during a SLAM. However, the most important thing right now is to understand your pool did not become a swamp in...
  6. tucsontico

    Cloudy water no matter what I do..

    I assume you're using a sand filter. If so, how old is the sand? Maybe you should add a little DE to catch the really fine particulates. here's a link to the Pool School article: Pool School - Add DE to a Sand Filter Good luck!
  7. tucsontico

    Final stages of clearing my pool just can not get it clear

    I'm not an expert but I can tell you this is the right place to get the correct advice for crystal clear water in your pool. First things first, please read the "Pool School" section of the this website. The "Getting Started" section will describe how to insert a signature panel in your posts...
  8. tucsontico

    SLAM questionre

    You're doing great! Time to open a POP (Pool Owner Patience) and keep SLAM-ing until you can pass the OCLT. Here's the link to read about the OCLT: Pool School - Perform the Overnight FC Loss Test (OCLT). Do not be concerned over how long it will take to completely rid your pool of algae. It...
  9. tucsontico

    Role of plants/vegetation/trees near pool?

    OK. Read this link It will help you zero in on the numbers you need to maintain. As SunnyOptimism noted, your CYA value is too high. You're looking for a CYA value of 30-50 for a plaster pool. Due to the high CYA, your FC is not...
  10. tucsontico

    Role of plants/vegetation/trees near pool?

    With the CYA over 100 in your pool the FC is "bound up" and cannot sanitize properly. I will bet this is the primary reason you're having algae blooms. The only way to reduce the CYA to acceptable levels is to partially drain your pool. BTW, the excess CYA comes primarily from chlorine pucks. I...
  11. tucsontico

    Advice - Algae alive or dead?

    The robotic vac shouldn't be hurt by the high FC. But be safe and read the warranty restrictions, etc. Also, when you pull out the robot rinse it with fresh (non-SLAM chlorinated) water. Ideally you do not swim during the SLAM process, but in reality it is safe to do so ... the active chlorine...
  12. tucsontico

    Advice - Algae alive or dead?

    If you follow the advice you are getting as close as humanly possible, your pool could be algae free by Saturday. Even with a 48,000 gallon pool, you won't spend one fourth of what your friends did to clear their $2000 algae bloom! I gather you cannot "vacuum to waste" with your closed system...
  13. tucsontico

    Advice - Algae alive or dead?

    I am not an expert but from what I've seen it would be very rare to complete a SLAM in 48 hours–especially if you really have mustard algae! I suggest reading these two articles before you go any further: ...
  14. tucsontico

    Slam 48 hours in - What am I doing wrong?

    You've on your way to sparking clear pool! Hang tough and open a can of POP (Pool Owner Patience)! Post pics when able. Keep :calm: and SLAM on!
  15. tucsontico

    Another Green Pool Battle

    Welcome to TFP! You've come to the right place. I'm not a TFP expert but they will chime in soon. In the meantime, read, re-read and read again these PoolSchool articles: 1. 2...