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  1. revitup

    CYA Level

    Or always perform the test under the same light source, whether outdoors with back to the sun or whatever, or under a 4’ fluorescent garage light as I do.
  2. revitup

    Water still slightly yellow

    Seems there has to be some other contributor besides .1 ppm iron and chlorine. My pool and tap water test at .1 ppm iron and the pool water is not yellow. Are you using plain liquid bleach? What's in the Metal Gon you're adding?
  3. revitup

    Water still slightly yellow

    You seem surprised that your tap water has .1 ppm iron. That seems pretty low to me. My water company calls that ‘negligible’. I’d be curious if anyone’s water, either tap or pool, has tested lower.
  4. revitup

    Warning: gross. If you haven’t eaten breakfast yet, don’t look!

    Wow, never had a hot tub and never been in one but after reading this that won’t be changing anytime soon!