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  1. Deb04

    No automation on equipment. Can we get a VS pump.

    We have wanted a variable speed pump for a while. Figured we just wait till the one we have dies and replace it with a VS. Another thread led me down the path of realizing my state has a $350 rebate for energy star rated VS pumps. So maybe now is the time to do it. Question 1: We don’t have...
  2. Deb04

    Pretty sure I need a new O-Ring

    Thanks. Yes, I've lubricated the old one twice.
  3. Deb04

    Pretty sure I need a new O-Ring

    I've got a suction side link. Pouring water indicates air is being sucked in around the top of the pump basket housing. I'm assuming I just need a new o-ring. I know it could be something else, but that's an easy and cheap fix to try first. The first hardware store I tried didn't have them...
  4. Deb04

    Piece of filter broke off.

    Ok, I'm not going to say WHO did it, but it wasn't me and only 2 people live in this house. But, someone tried to open the thumb screw with a pair of pliers and turned the wrong way. The thumb screw broke off with the screw still inside. How much of this beast do we need to replace? I'm...
  5. Deb04

    Anybody else's pressure go DOWN when their filter needs to be cleaned?

    Just happened again. I cleaned the filter 2 weeks ago. Pressure was 17 after cleaning and new gauge. Over the last week pressure has been dropping and today was down to 10. I didnt think it was possible that the filter could be dirty that quickly since we usually only have to clean twice a...
  6. Deb04

    Anybody else's pressure go DOWN when their filter needs to be cleaned?

    Perhaps. I replaced it last week because the old one was getting difficult to read. I guess I'll see next time it gets dirty.
  7. Deb04

    Anybody else's pressure go DOWN when their filter needs to be cleaned?

    This seems so counter-intuitive and contrary to everything on TPF. When my cartridge filter gets dirty, the pressure goes down. This has been happening since the pool was built in 2008. The first dozen or so seasons I argued with the filter, trying to fix a leak that didn't exist, lubing...
  8. Deb04

    Need a new vacuum head. Suggestions?

    The head of our manual vacuum broke. Thinking of this one. Thoughts? Willing to pay more for a better product. Vinyl inground pool. FibroPool Professional Flexible Swimming Pool Vacuum Head : Patio, Lawn & Garden
  9. Deb04

    tfkits pressure gauge compatability

    Ordered it. Thanks.
  10. Deb04

    tfkits pressure gauge compatability

    Are the gauges on tfkits compatible with all (or at least most) filters? I know I need the rear center mount.
  11. Deb04

    Running pool equipment year round in winter / keeping small in ground pool open all year in Ohio

    Do you have a gas line, or a propane tank? If a tank, you’d also be relying on the gas being delivered every time before you run out.
  12. Deb04

    Pump losing pressure and I can't do anything about it

    The mallet worked and the pressure is back up. Thanks.
  13. Deb04

    Pump losing pressure and I can't do anything about it

    We got a new pump this year. Picture below. We opened 8 days ago to green water and I've been SLAMming since then (minus day 2 when we were down bc the motor broke, resulting in new motor and pump.) Making progress, but not done. Water is clear now, but still getting algae on the bottom...
  14. Deb04

    Varible Speed

    This will not be a DYI job. Trust me. No one wants my husband or me touching anything. In 37 years, my husband and I have successfully completed only one DYI job. (It was actually a pretty big one and we did a good job. We put hardwood flooring in through our whole first floor.) Otherwise...
  15. Deb04

    Varible Speed

    Looks like our motor bit the big one. I've been reading on here about variable speed pumps and I've been thinking that sound like a good idea when we need to replace. When I call the pool guy tomorrow, what do I say I want? Details of pool in sig.
  16. Deb04

    Filter bands

    I've hot glued mine back in place.
  17. Deb04

    Cartridge vs DE Filter

    I have a cartridge filter and, yes, about an hour to take out the filters, clean, and put back together. (Note, as a petite woman, I am neither strong enough or tall enough to remove the filters. I need hubby to do it. BUT, I only have to do it 1-2/year. Our swim season is short in NH. Our...
  18. Deb04

    Cartridge Filter Clamps Won't Tighten Completely

    The rubber mallet did the trick. Thank you both.
  19. Deb04

    Cartridge Filter Clamps Won't Tighten Completely

    I opened our cartridge today to clean the filters. Hubby and I spent over an hour trying to get the cartridge back together. The problem is that not all of the clamps will tighten all the way. We tried opening the cartridge back up and making sure the filters were seated right. We tried...
  20. Deb04

    Uh oh, what to do with meddlesome mom who messed with system ?

    When you prime the pump, I suggest doing so with a hose in hand. I've found that priming it at opening can take a lot more water than just filling the basket. If you need more water, you'll have it right there.
  21. Deb04

    Time for new Cartridges?

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but just thought I'd ask in case I can save almost $300. I have a Sta Rite System 3 Cartridge Filter. Clean pressure is 16. We're still on the cartridges that came with the pool 8 years ago, 9th season. Last year was the first time that we ever had...
  22. Deb04

    Cleaned my filter for the first time.

    We have a cartridge filter. This is our 7th summer with the pool. We always have PB open and close and they clean the filter. Since my filter is oversized, the pressure has never gone up enough to need a cleaning in the summer before. Well, this time it did. Probably because the filters are...
  23. Deb04

    New Pressure Gauge

    PB opened the pool yesterday and replaced the pressure gauge. Base line on the old gauge has always been 18. Now the pressure is 15. Does the pump's baseline vary by gauge? i.e., is my new baseline 15 or is there something up and my pressure is 3 low.
  24. Deb04

    Filter spraying all over backyard

    New plug and O ring in. Apparently what happened (per PB) was that the o ring in there was too thick. That was either original equipment or something his ppl put in there, since we had never replaced it and no one but PB's company has ever touched the equipment. Pool working fine now. Happy...
  25. Deb04

    Filter spraying all over backyard

    Thanks all. On way home from PB with a new plug and o ring, which he gave us for free. O ring was cracked.
  26. Deb04

    Filter spraying all over backyard

    The water is coming from around that round bit. Looks like a fitting, but it isn't anything that appears to be able to be tightened. The filter is 5 years old. Does it make sense that it might need to be replaced in that period of time?
  27. Deb04

    Filter spraying all over backyard

    When I came home tonight our cartridge filter case was SPRAYING all over the backyard. Any advice on what we can do either permanently or temporarily? I'm guessing the PB is closed tomorrow and I think there's a good chance they won't be able to come out until Tuesday. We've turned the filter...
  28. Deb04

    Timer Thingies

    Somehow we lost one of the on/off things you put on the pump timer. I know you can buy replacements. I assume at a pool store? Can you get them at Home Depot cheaper? Thanks.