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    Pool is making me mad

    My Ph is leveled now. Ta is 240 FC 0 CYA is 0. What are they calling stabilizer What can I do to drop my Ta? What is my first step
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    Pool is making me mad

    CYA sorry
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    Pool is making me mad

    What is it that you add in pool to rise CHA or lower it?
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    Pool is making me mad

    The pool math is so confusing. Could someone help
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    Pool is making me mad

    My FC is 0 PH is 8.4+ TA 240 CA is 40 Added muriatic acid 1c. Last night. No chanhe. Added 2c borax this morning and numbers are all still the same. HELP
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    If I keep my cover on will this help with FC? How do I work the Pool Math?
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    Where I live the water is REALLY NASTY!! Last year I filled it up and it looked like a NASTY LAKE! The city had to credit me for almost 10,000Gal. If you are no longer calling it the BBB what are you calling it?
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    What do I use for stabilizer?
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    Actually my FC is at 2 now because we put 1 gal of the concentrated bleach
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    Ok.......So I emptied my pool and pressure washed. All is clean and new. My pool is an INTEX, AG, 5300Gal, with a sand filter. Filled with City Water. The Bleach I am using is Concentrated. The jug did not say the % FC- .2 PH- 7.5 TA- 60 CYA- 30 CH- 30
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    Thank you so much for all of your help. Sorry it is City water and we have LOTS OF PROBLEMS with the city filtration system. At times I have filled my pool while gone to work and it looks like a filthy lake when I get home. I do know there are a lot of metals in my water. I am planning on making...
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    The last 2 years if my pool got green I would break it down and pressure wash it then refill. Then go to the local pool place and get what I needed. This year I was just not physically able to do all that and was tired of spending thousands of dollars every year to keep up with it. Last year I...
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    What is "Speed Stir"? Is that the little pill thing that they use at the pool place?
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    Starting the BBB system with my GREEN POOL!!! HELP

    I am starting my 3rd season with my above ground pool. Its was green so I drained it and started refilling yesterday. Yes it is still GREEN. I am letting it over flow at the moment to get all of the surface algae out of the pool. Question 1) When I start my pump tonight..will I need to...