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  1. J

    Vinyl Liner Separating From Wall

    sweetness, thanks all. Y'all rock!
  2. J

    Vinyl Liner Separating From Wall

    Hi everyone, we have a Vinyl liner that has separated from the wall in various places above the water line. The pool guy says it's not repairable and mentioned it could be $7k - $10k to replace the liner down the road. He mentioned we could get 1 -2 years more out of it (the liner is probably...
  3. J

    Raising CY with Muriatic Acid

    I have been having trouble raising my CY, I have been using Muriatic Acid to do so and am wondering if this is totally incorrect?
  4. J

    Soapy looking suds since opening pool due to algaecide

    First post. I have same problem and opened pool 3 weeks ago, Was SLAM the solution? How is your pool looking now?
  5. J

    Dirty Water from Return Jets After Pump Basket Cleaning

    I cleaned out the pump basket for my first time and followed these steps only to see a pool full of dirty water after finished. 1) turned skimmers off 2) turned pump switch off 3) closed main drain 4) took pump basket out, spray washed and lubricated O-ring. Placed pump basket back on 5) opened...